11A - Building Trust for a Decarbonized Supply Chain

Show notes

When I worked with the sustainability team of a large manufacturer, I encountered a massive challenge that is widespread across many industries. Manufacturers, for example, of electrical and electronic products, rely on countless pre-manufactured parts—steel bolts, aluminum casings, electronic boards, and chips, all these essential components. Yet, the CO2 data for many parts was incomplete or simply unavailable. Instead of making precise calculations, companies had to rely on rough estimates, trying to convert the cost of a part into its carbon footprint. To make real progress on decarbonization, we need reliable data for every part and every supplier.

At the core of this problem lies the challenge of maturity and trust. Companies are under immense pressure to reduce emissions, especially in their supply chains. But these emissions cannot be directly reduced by the manufacturers themselves. Suppliers need to make changes in their processes and supply chains, and that requires investment. Trust becomes mutual—the suppliers must trust that manufacturers will buy their low-emission, improved parts, and manufacturers must trust the emissions data they receive from suppliers.

This is where Climate Choice steps in. Their AI-driven platform helps companies gather, verify, and standardize data from their key suppliers, making it easy to evaluate and directly compare. This gives companies the clarity and confidence they need to strategically decarbonize their supply chains and collaborate with suppliers to reduce emissions where it matters most.

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SupplyChainTransparency, #AIinSupplyChain, #Decarbonization, #ClimateChoice, #GHGData, #SupplierManagement, #CarbonFootprint, #SustainableManufacturing, #EmissionReduction, #GreenSupplyChain

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Lieferkettentransparenz, #KIinLieferketten, #Dekarbonisierung, #ClimateChoice, #CO2Daten, #Lieferantenmanagement, #CO2Fußabdruck, #NachhaltigeProduktion, #Emissionsreduzierung, #GrüneLieferkette

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