#13A - Waves of Change: Grassroots Ocean Conservation

Show notes

In today’s episode, we’re thrilled to welcome Ophélie Reis, founder of the Ocean Patrol Association (OPAA), based in Peniche, Portugal, an hour north of Lisbon. Since its founding in May 2021, Ocean Patrol has been on the frontlines of ocean conservation, raising awareness, organizing beach cleanups, and spearheading initiatives to tackle plastic pollution along the Portuguese coast. With over 500 volunteers and more than 6,000 kilograms of plastic trash removed from beaches, this group of passionate young people is setting an example of how grassroots action can drive real change, not just raise awareness. Let’s dive in to understand what makes his activity valuable in our world!


Facebook: Ocean Patrol Instagram: ocean.patrol


Klimawandel #Nachhaltigkeit #MichaelsGreenWorld #ErneuerbareEnergien #Meeresschutz #Wissenschaftspodcast #NachhaltigeZukunft #Energiewende #Ozeansauberkeit #Geisternetze #DigitalTransformation #CorporateSustainability #CloudBasedSolutions #DatenErfassung #ComplianceTools #NachhaltigkeitsReporting #DigitalReporting #NachhaltigkeitsCompliance

KIÜbersetzung #Synchronisation #Vidby #KIgestützt

OceanPatrol #Freiwillige #Geisternetze


ClimateChange #Sustainability #GlobalWarming #MichaelsGreenWorld #EcoFriendly #GreenSolutions #RenewableEnergy #CleanOceans #OceanConservation #SciencePodcast #SustainableFuture #SolarEnergy #Waste #DigitalTransformation #CorporateSustainability #CloudBasedSolutions #DataCollection #ComplianceTools #SustainabilityReporting #DigitalReporting #SustainabilityCompliance

AITranslation #Dubbing #Vidby #AIEnhanced

OceanPatrol #volunteer #redesfantsama #ghostnets

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